This course category is for Training of Trainers (ToT) program in 2022 - 2023 Academic Year. The primary objective of this TOT program is to develop the capacity of teachers in Myanmar's higher education sector to help them learn how to use an online learning management system.


Security awareness is the knowledge and attitude members of an organization possess regarding the protection of the physical and, especially, information assets of that organization. This  program is designed to help users understand the role they play in helping to combat information security.

The following topics will be covered:

  1. Phishing attacks
  2. Removable media
  3. Passwords and Authentication
  4. Physical security
  5. Mobile Device Security
  6. Working Remotely
  7. Public Wi-Fi
  8. Cloud Security
  9. Social Media Use
  10. Internet and Email Use
  11. Social Engineering
  12. Security at Home